Privacy Policy



This privacy policy of the Holy Cross College Old Boys’ Association is provided to meet the intentions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Australian Privacy Principles.

The personal information that the Holy Cross College Old Boys’ Association collects, and stores is required to organise such as reunions, social events, distribution of newsletters and meetings invitations via emails, text, postal mail and social media.

The degree of sensitive personal information is limited to name, address, phone, graduating year, email address and photos from Association functions. Banking details are stored on remote payment sites where registered credit card transactions are processed through a third party payment website.


Collection of personal information 

 The Association collects personal information from individuals making registration as members via the Association’s website.

The Association may request contact details from those individuals who are not registered members to promote events and activities via social media applications, newsletters, email, mail, paper advertisements.

Class Ambassadors may collect personal information for those students in their class year for all events and activities like reunions.  Class Ambassadors may not pass on the contact details of their cohort to the Association to register them as members. Individuals are to register themselves as members of the Holy Cross College Old Boys Association via the Association’s website.

Personal Information is stored on cloud based computers with secured password access. The information is backup on a regular basis by the cloud storage provider. An offline backup storage is kept off site as well.

Personal information will be checked on a regular monthly basis for any corrupted or inappropriate entries or access.

Personal information will not be passed onto other individuals, registered members, third parties unless given strict permission by the individual themselves to allow the disclosure of their individual details.

Where an individual outside the Association opposes to another individual’s image or name published on websites, newsletter or social media which is considered inappropriate, a review will be carried out to remove that item.

Limited access to computer systems or documents containing personal information will only be allowed to authorised executive committee members.


Disclosure (sharing) 

It will be most unlikely that the Association will disclose any personal information to an Australian or overseas recipients unless the individual gives strict permission.


Rights and choices 

An individual has the right to request access to personal information that the Association holds about them.

An individual has also got the right to correct information that the Association holds about them.

You have the right to make a request to access or correct your personal at any time to the Privacy Officer of the Holy Cross College Old Boys’ Association outlined in the contact details below.


How to make a complaint 

You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Privacy Officer of the Holy Cross College Old Boys’ Association outlined in the contact details below.

An individual may contact the Association’s Privacy Officer either in writing to our postal or email address as outlined in the contact details section below.

The Association will allow individuals to have the option of not identifying themselves, or of using a pseudonym, when dealing with us in relation to a particular matter.

We will endeavour to resolve the compliant between the individual and the Association in the first instance. In addition, if the compliant is not resolved the matter may be taken to a recognised external dispute resolution scheme. Furthermore, if the compliant still cannot be resolved the matter may be taken to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).


You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies, or to alert you when websites set or access cookies. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of this website may become inaccessible or not function properly.  


Contact details 

Full name: Holy Cross College Old Boys’ Association


Email address:

Postal address: 517 Victoria Road, Ryde NSW 2112 Australia

Contact Name: Privacy Officer, Holy Cross College Old Boys’ Association


Status: Final 1.0
Last updated 15/3/2022